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  • Writer's picturejenstasch

Over $200 Million Available to SoCal in the FY 2019 HUD CoC Competition

Updated: Jul 10, 2019

On July 3, 2019, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the FY 2019 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFA) to help fund housing and services for persons experiencing homelessness with approximately $2.3 billion available in this Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition, including up to $50 million available for Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus projects. In Southern California, there are several CoCs competing for renewed and increased funding totally over $200 million:

CA-600 - Los Angeles City & County CoC $ 122,457,061

CA-602 - Santa Ana/Anaheim/Orange County CoC $ 23,388,929

CA-601 - San Diego City and County CoC $ 20,809,562

CA-606 - Long Beach CoC $ 8,077,755

CA-607 - Pasadena CoC $ 3,466,789

CA-608 - Riverside City & County CoC $ 9,754,646

CA-609 - San Bernardino City & County CoC $ 9,767,625

CA-611 - Oxnard/San Buenaventura/Ventura County CoC $ 2,180,607

CA-612 - Glendale CoC $ 2,373,290

CA-613 - Imperial County CoC $ 165,691

Total $ 202,441,955

Data Source:

HUD expects CoCs to reallocate funding from renewal projects that are not improving system performance measures like reducing length of time homeless, the extent of repeat incidences of homelessness, overall reductions in homelessness based on the point-in-time count, jobs and income growth, and success at reducing the number of families and individuals who become homeless. The NOFA points out that consistent with the requirements of the FY 2019 Appropriations Act:

  • CoCs cannot receive grants for new projects, other than through reallocation, unless the CoC competitively ranks projects based on how they improve system performance;

  • HUD is increasing the share of the CoC score that is based on performance criteria; and

  • HUD will prioritize funding for CoCs that have demonstrated the ability to reallocate resources to higher performing projects.

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