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Growing the Right Mix of Funding Sources

Updated: May 20, 2019

Successful and sustainable fund development strategies require an understanding and commitment to the process of cultivating support effectively and efficiently. Revenue sources should include a diverse mix from individuals, foundations, corporations, government agencies, in kind gifts, volunteerism, and special campaigns, depending on the revenue needs and capacity of the organization. Key processes for a rich and fertile fundraising strategy:

• Written Development Plan

• Development Team: Leadership, Board Members and Supporters

• Development Program Systems and Processes

All fund development planning should align and support the revenue goals outlined in an organization’s strategic plan, and for advancing priority initiatives. A successful development strategy requires a process:

  1. Clearly identifying revenue goals and needed resources for general operations and priority initiatives;

  2. Designing and implementing a written development plan;

  3. Building and supporting the development committee;

  4. Designing and implementing fund development systems, procedures and policies; and

  5. Monitoring and evaluating the program’s progress and success.

Cultivating and growing the right mix of revenue and support for sustained operations and a long-term impact on the community requires tending to the process.

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